We confirm that two members of Serbian civil society were targeted with spyware earlier this year. Both have publicly criticized the Serbian government. We are not naming the individuals at this time by their request. The Citizen Lab’s technical analysis of forensic artifacts was conducted in support of an investigation led by Access Now in collaboration with the SHARE Foundation. Researchers from Amnesty International independently analyzed the cases and their conclusions match our findings.
In this report Kaspersky shares insights into the validation components used in Operation Triangulation, TriangleDB implant post-compromise activity, as well as details of some additional modules.
#2023 #APT #Apple #EN #Malware #Malware-Description #Triangulation #analysis #iOS #macOS #securelist #spyware
We present iLeakage, a transient execution side channel targeting the Safari web browser present on Macs, iPads and iPhones. iLeakage shows that the Spectre attack is still relevant and exploitable, even after nearly 6 years of effort to mitigate it since its discovery. We show how an attacker can induce Safari to render an arbitrary webpage, subsequently recovering sensitive information present within it using speculative execution. In particular, we demonstrate how Safari allows a malicious webpage to recover secrets from popular high-value targets, such as Gmail inbox content. Finally, we demonstrate the recovery of passwords, in case these are autofilled by credential managers.
Cybersecurity researchers have documented a novel post-exploit persistence technique on iOS 16 that could be abused to fly under the radar and maintain access to an Apple device even when the victim believes it is offline.
The method "tricks the victim into thinking their device's Airplane Mode works when in reality the attacker (following successful device exploit) has planted an artificial Airplane Mode which edits the UI to display Airplane Mode icon and cuts internet connection to all apps except the attacker application," Jamf Threat Labs researchers Hu Ke and Nir Avraham said in a report shared with The Hacker News.
In researching Operation Triangulation, we set ourselves the goal to retrieve as many parts of the exploitation chain as possible. As of now, we have finished analyzing the spyware implant and are ready to share the details.
#2023 #APT #Apple #EN #Malware-Descriptions #Spyware #Targeted-attacks #Triangulation #iOS #malware #securelist
Hi all, Today we have very big and important news. Kaspersky experts have discovered an extremely complex, professionally targeted cyberattack that uses Apple’s mobile devices. The purpose of this attack is the inconspicuous introduction of spyware into the iPhones of employees of the company – both top and middle-management. The attack is carried out using
The next post in our XNU memory safety series examines how our hardened kernel allocator performs in the real world against a previously patched but powerful UAF software vulnerability. In this detailed analysis, we find out what might happen if SockPuppet were to meet kalloc_type in iOS 16.
Microsoft analyzes a threat group tracked as DEV-0196, the actor’s iOS malware “KingsPawn”, and their link to an Israel-based private sector offensive actor (PSOA) known as QuaDream, which reportedly sells a suite of exploits, malware, and infrastructure called REIGN, that’s designed to exfiltrate data from mobile devices.