thumbnail Microsoft could have prevented Chinese cloud email hack, US cyber report says
thumbnail Internet Society veut empêcher Microsoft d'héberger les données de santé des Français
thumbnail Leaky Vessels flaws allow hackers to escape Docker, runc containers
thumbnail Predator AI | ChatGPT-Powered Infostealer Takes Aim at Cloud Platforms
thumbnail Chinese Microsoft hackers also hit GOP Rep. Don Bacon of Nebraska
thumbnail Microsoft’s Role in Email Breach by Suspected Chinese Hackers Part of US Inquiry
thumbnail Microsoft…The Truth Is Even Worse Than You Think
thumbnail Cryptojacking: Understanding and defending against cloud compute resource abuse
thumbnail MOVEit Transfer and MOVEit Cloud Vulnerability
thumbnail Vulnerability in GCP CloudSQL Leads to Data Exposure
thumbnail «Cloud souverain»: les cantons latins avancent groupés et font un appel du pied à la Confédération
thumbnail Attackers Use Containers for Profit via TrafficStealer
thumbnail Linux kernel logic allowed Spectre attack on major cloud
thumbnail MERCURY and DEV-1084: Destructive attack on hybrid environment - Microsoft Security Blog
thumbnail SCARLETEEL: Operation leveraging Terraform, Kubernetes, and AWS for data theft
thumbnail Lastpass says hackers accessed customer data in new breach
thumbnail Suisse: Une cyberattaque bloque la comptabilité de milliers de sociétés
thumbnail Software Delivery Shield protects the software supply chain
thumbnail Azure Cloud Shell Command Injection Stealing User’s Access Tokens
thumbnail Stealing Clouds
thumbnail 8220 Gang Massively Expands Cloud Botnet to 30,000 Infected Hosts