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SparkCat crypto stealer in Google Play and App Store
Apple fixes this year’s first actively exploited zero-day bug
Leaked Documents Show What Phones Secretive Tech ‘Graykey’ Can Unlock
Update your iPhone, Mac, Watch: Apple issues patches for several vulnerabilities | Malwarebytes
LightSpy: Implant for iOS
3 million iOS and macOS apps were exposed to potent supply-chain attacks
Vulnerabilities in CocoaPods Open the Door to Supply Chain Attacks Against Thousands of iOS and MacOS Applications
Chinese Keyboard App Vulnerabilities Explained
Jamf says 9% of smartphone have fallen for phishing attacks
Government hackers targeted iPhones owners with zero-days, Google says
iShutdown scripts can help detect iOS spyware on your iPhone
This Clever New Idea Could Fix AirTag Stalking While Maximizing Privacy
Apple Releases Security Updates to Patch Critical iOS and macOS Security Flaws
Jamf Threat Labs: Fake Lockdown Mode proof of concept
Apple Confirms Governments Using Push Notifications to Surveil Users - MacRumors
Russian Hackers’ Lawsuit Reveals Weaknesses In Apple’s iOS 16
Spyware Targeting Against Serbian Civil Society - The Citizen Lab
Spyware in Serbia: civil society under attack - Access Now
Triangulation: validators, post-compromise activity and modules | Securelist
Hackers can force iOS and macOS browsers to divulge passwords and much more
Active exploitation of Cisco IOS XE Software Web Management User Interface vulnerability
Apple discloses 2 new zero-days exploited to attack iPhones, Macs
New Apple iOS 16 Exploit Enables Stealthy Cellular Access Under Fake Airplane Mode
Apple issues third mobile OS update after zero-click spyware campaign
Apple confirms WebKit security updates break browsing on some sites
Apple releases emergency update to fix zero-day exploited in attacks
Dissecting TriangleDB, a Triangulation spyware implant
“Clickless” iOS exploits infect Kaspersky iPhones with never-before-seen malware | Ars Technica
A Matter of Triangulation.
Apple fixes three new zero-days exploited to hack iPhones, Macs
Apple’s high security mode blocked NSO spyware, researchers say | TechCrunch
DEV-0196: QuaDream’s “KingsPawn” malware used to target civil society in Europe, North America, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia
Mercenary spyware hacked iPhone victims with rogue calendar invites, researchers say | TechCrunch
Apple fixes two zero-days exploited to hack iPhones and Macs
Apple patches are out – old iPhones get an old zero-day fix at last!
zhuowei/WDBFontOverwrite: Proof-of-concept app to overwrite fonts on iOS using CVE-2022-46689.
Attacking Apple's Neural Engine
SiriSpy - iOS bug allowed apps to eavesdrop on your conversations with Siri
Poseidon’s Offspring: Charybdis and Scylla
The Apple security landscape: Moving into the world of enterprise risk
Apple Kills Passwords in iOS 16 and macOS Ventura | WIRED
Hands-on with Lockdown Mode in iOS 16
The curious tale of a fake
SeaFlower 藏海花 A backdoor targeting iOS web3 wallets
Increased Enterprise Use of iOS, Mac Means More Malware
Mettez à jour iOS ! WebKit contient une vulnérabilité dangereuse